Saj Accountancy UK bookkeeping and VATVAT has become so complicated that it can be a burden for any registered or even unregistered organisation. The penalties for getting it wrong can be costly. Our cost-effective VAT compliance and planning services can relieve you of this burden.  Drawing on our expertise and the experience of our VAT advisers Saj Accounting can help and support your needs to effectively manage your VAT procedures, meet your VAT obligations and minimise your VAT liabilities. We can help you comply with all your VAT obligations, to help you cope with the increasing complexities of the tax. Our team of VAT professionals will help to keep your VAT affairs in order, make sure you are collecting the right amounts for each transaction, and ensure that you make payments and file returns correctly and on time.

In addition to providing a comprehensive bookkeeping and VAT accounting service, we can also advise on and help with.


·        The pros and cons of voluntary registration

·        The timing of compulsory registration

·        Flat rate VAT schemes

·        VAT on imports and exports

·        On-line  or desktop software for bookkeeping at your choice